Speed Shop Tweed Champs are built to order with a mix of NOS and Speed Shop custom components. Additional customization is available. Choice of stock 5F1 Clone build or the Power Champ treatment by Rondo (which opens the amp up and really makes it Rock - even with the stock 8" speaker!) Either Champ model is $1695 with a standard lacquered cab. Optional cabs are Dark Custom (+100) and Heavy Relic (+200). More info about each Champ model is available below. Please contact Rondo for more info and to order. Thank you!
5F1 Clone Champ: The stock build 5F1 is essentially a clone of the vintage amplifier made by Fender between 1958 and 1960. The speaker is an 8" and the cab dimensions are original. The response is as expected and true to the original. Tubes are NOS as are many parts. Mercury transformers are used. OEM speakers can sometimes be sourced to really nail vintage performance. Lots of fun to play and not very loud. Lots of compression, with plenty of sag when maxed for that Skunk Baxter Boston Rag solo vibe. Power Champ: The new 'Power Champ' is the evolution of the slightly modded, 'Monster' Champ that I video-demoed some time ago. While that early experimental Champ sounded great, it was a bit hard to control. So, I have been working in my spare time, ever since, to perfect this iteration of the Champ circuit; so that I could offer it to others with confidence that it is not only great sounding, but simple and easy to operate. The resulting production Power Champ, 'blueprinted' as of July 2024, is even better than the prototype. To be clear, I still build stock 5F1 Champs, that sound like the original and are a lot of fun to play. The Power Champ version exists only because that stock circuit can be tweaked to provide a great overdriven tone - rivaling even that of the legendary 5E3. So, the Power Champ is a hot-rodded version of the vintage Fender 5F1 Tweed Champ. It is basically a stock circuit with a couple of minor tweaks that open it up, allowing it to really overdrive like a full size amp. Beyond the circuit tuning, I spent many months of spare time auditioning many different tube combinations, and settled on a 5R4 rectifier, 5881 power and 12AX7 preamp tubes. This set sounds/performs best to me, but other combinations are possible and your results may vary. The Power Champ can also accommodate the stock 5Y3 and 6V6, as well as EL34 and 6L6GC power tubes (and others) with a 5R4 rectifier. A 12AY7 can also be used, as well as 5751. I also spent a ton of time auditioning various [new production] 8" speakers and finally found one that provided the response I was looking for. Think Styx Miss America. The Mercury transformers are customs, but based on the originals. Packaging is the vintage-correct size cabinet, and the speaker is 8". There is also the addition of a "contour" knob, which adjusts the center frequency (sweeping from mids to full range) and to some extent, the stiffness of the response (with mids a bit more strident, and full-range a bit softer). The amp is also heavily dependent upon the guitar's controls; so, all-in, it is possible to really dial in the tone for each guitar and desired tonal vibe. The amp is offset toward middy/bright, so the tone control on the guitar is often required to round off the response at lower amp gain settings. Also, there is not much natural headroom, so for cleaner tones it is advised to roll off the guitar's volume to cool down the input signal. Use the contour control to fine tune the response. Power output with 5R4/5881 is around 10 watts. Impedance is 8 ohms, and any external cabinet with the same load can be driven by the amp if desired. 5 watts output w/5y3 and 6v6. (Please give the speaker time to break in for best results.) "...it's glorious! Really nice overdriven tones, with all the action happening between the guitar's volume and tone controls (as you said). I've just been leaving it at 9 on the amp volume and adjusting everything on the guitar. Really fun and satisfying amp to play." - F. B. (Power Champ)
Late December 2024: Power Champ 2x8
A Power Princeton perhaps? Custom Power Champ with 2x8" speakers mounted in a premium Princeton cab. Small, nice and light, 10 watts. Rocks hard with great cleans... sounds like a little Plexi.
October 2024 - Quick Speed Shop Power Champ Demo
Power Champ Demo by Rondo with Les Paul R0 and Stock Strat - Straight In - Camera Audio.
Speed Shop 5F1 Champ
Rondo demos a new 5F1 Champ Relic. Stock Tele straight in. |
Tweed Deluxe Speed Shop | PO Box 855 | Sanibel, FL 33957
Landline: 239-689-5941 (do not text)
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